‘C Birdz’ - are some of my latest creations re-imagined as NFT’s living forever in the netherworlds of the polygon blockchain.
So, what are NFT’s ? NFT stands for a non-fungible token, which means that hidden in those quirky artworks, there's a unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a digital ledger using blockchain technology to establish proof of ownership. Essential the same, or similar technology used for cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ether is used to guarantee the uniqueness of each NFT and to prove who owns it.
Unlike a unit of bitcoin, however, each NFT is completely unique, so it can't be exchanged like-for-like. The file stores extra information that elevates it above pure currency and brings it into the realm of, well, anything, really. As a result, NFTs have become collectable digital assets that hold value, just like how physical art holds value.
C Birdz is a crypto version of my popular series ‘BE THE BIRD’ re-imagined as one of a kind (one-of-one), hand drawn & painted, 10K NFT collection, living on the Polygon blockchain. This project would not be possible without the collaboration between myself and the multi talented code cruncher - CodeStackr.
The CBirdz NFT Project is a decentralized, open-source project that aims to demonstrate how to develop and launch your own NFT Collection. It is also a crypto version of the popular series "BE THE BIRD" re-imagined as a one of a kind (one-of-one), hand drawn & painted, 10K NFT collection, living forever on the Polygon blockchain.
CBirdz is a collaborative project created by two brothers - Rick & Jesse. One code developer (Jesse), and one visual artist (Rick). Right brain and left brain colliding to create...one brain!...and one of the most unique NFT events yet in this space!
Multi award winning YouTube entrepreneur, Jesse of @codeSTACKr fame...has created and made available to the public (free of charge) his latest cutting edge step by step explanation of how to create your own 10K NFT minting site, with wait-listing...in a way that can be understood without web3 knowledge. The only element missing to create this video was the actual art to be minted.
That's where brother Rick of "BE THE BIRD" fame comes in. After a lifetime of painting birds in traditional media such as oil & acrylics, Rick now paints digitally and sells his NFT art on popular blockchain platforms. CBirdz can only be minted at - cbirdz.xyz Once minted, your NFTs will show up on OpenSea.io in the CBirdz collection.
"BE THE BIRD", and it's cryptic NFT version - "CBirdz", was created with a message in mind. A reminder that each of us is unique. There is not another Bird quite like you. You are one of a kind.
"You already have wings...Be the Bird!"
The universe has conspired to not only create your perfect, one of a kind (one-of-one) C BIRD, but has also matched your Bird with a unique message created just for You! Each Bird has a mysterious symbol (bottom left) encoded into every image. This symbol corresponds to a message which, through the wonder and mystery of code, algorithms, original art and magic…has been revealed (below). Your personal message from the netherworlds of the known metaverse awaits!
EASY Minting dApp with WHITELISTING - Entire Process!! Launch an Entire NFT Collection